A blog dedicated to reviewing and promoting the books I love.
You're probably getting tired of hearing me gush about most books by this author. I just feel the urge to scream out at whoever will listen about how good Sybil's books are! Her writing is improving with every book release and if you're looking for action this novel, in particular, is definitely for you!
Ty was a mystery from past books in this series. He's been portrayed as mean and rude with some glimpses of him being caring in rare instances. I liked how the author portrayed him. He's not necessarily an anti-hero but he's far from a saint. He doesn't shy away from inflicting violence if the means justify the end. That's always who his character was (even in past books) and that didn't change with his story and finding someone he could love other than his family.
I have a love/hate relationship with Ludeviene. She comes from a filthy rich family and an upbringing to match. She's been sheltered and seems to have a very overprotective father who likes to keep up appearances. The thing that I didn't love about her was her not speaking due to shock/panic. I can understand that shock and panic can make the human brain not function properly but, storywise, it caught me off guard.
I love how the author incorporated ASL (American Sign Language) in this story! If I were ever to learn a third language it would probably be sign language.
The ending was heart-shatteringly sweet. It was pain and sadness and wanting a happy future sort of moment and I can't fault the author for how she ended Ty's story. On a completely different note, I really really really really want a story on Myles (Neil's nephew)! Would it be naive of me to hope Callus is about him?
My Favorite Quotes:
"[...] I didn't equate survival or self-defense with murder."
"I didn't know how to live."
"No one had ever trusted me to take care of myself."