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* Be warned: This review turned out more negative than I intended it to.
This novel was better than the first one in this series, but not by much. The lack of detail about how the MC worked (hierarchy, are there more members than presented, how they get their money) bothered me. The universe the author created could have been so much better if it had been fleshed out beyond the couples story and the few other "member" interactions. The chemistry (yet again) was nowhere to be found, for me, in this novel.
I liked Laynie's spunk and sense of humor. Even though she's blind, she doesn't stop living life to it's fullest. It's mentioned that she works with people who are having a hard time adjusting to being blind. I wish we could have sat in on a session because the author skims over it. It would make for a very interesting side story.
Tease (aka Trevor) intrigued me in the first novel, but he didn't captivate me with his novel. I understand that he's had it very rough growing up. He came off very one dimensional, I think there should have been more (emotional) range to him as a character.
The deaths and violence that was going on felt like an afterthought that was just thrown into the story without building anything up to it. The ending was resolved way too easily. Everything came together too quickly to be believable. Another thing that bothered me was that the swearing felt forced. I don't know how to explain it. I have no problem with swearing (I actually quite enjoy it), but the way the dialogue was written made it seem forced and unnatural. We can all agree that just because these are supposed to be "bad*ss bikers" that not everyone has to swear like a sailor at all times.
The Audio Book:
The narration (for both narrators) was nice. I could distinguish each individual character while I was listening.