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Nocturnal Predators Reviews

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Audio Book Review: Deathtrap (Crossbreed #3) By Dannika Dark

Deathtrap - Dannika Dark


My Rating: 4 and a half stars


I can't even begin to express how much I adore this series so far! I wish I'd have waited for the whole series to be out before I started on it though. Each book has so many little nuances that I'll likely forget most of them because of the gap in between the time I read each book as they're releasing. 


Raven is such an amazing character. She's a fighter with a chip on her shoulder and won't take anyone's sh*t. I like how the author is developing the relationship between her and Christian as well. It's sweet and snarky at all the perfect moments. I was caught off guard by how funny their one liners are.


Christian is a character that has grown on me since the Mageri series. I appreciate his innuendo laden jokes and his overall charisma. He's an entertaining character and I'd love to see a happy ending for him.


I've grown attached to most of the Keystone gang, but I can't help and want to know more about Shepard's storyline (which was left as a minor and infuriating cliffhanger). I had an inkling that the author would throw this curveball, I just didn't anticipate how on edge it left me feeling.


In conclusion, this series has proved itself to be incredible. I would have preferred to binge read it when it concludes, but it's too late for me now. It caught me in its web. I continue to hope that after this series is complete that we get spin-off series for the characters in Keystone.


The Audio Book:


Nicole Poole has grown on me as a narrator. I love her narration for this series in particular. Though I have to mention that at the end of the book when Shepard was talking to Patrick, Patrick's voice would turn into Christian's for the span of a few words then it would go back to Patrick's voice. That was the only time the narration made me question how was actually having the conversation. Other than that it was great!