A blog dedicated to reviewing and promoting the books I love.
This was a christmas present I was expecting to get, so thank you Mrs. Frost you made my holiday!
I am a big fan of the Night Huntress series, so I LOVED this book! It gave me a different perspective on Bones and Cat's relationship, which was awesome. The wedding chapter was amazingly sweet and it was something I wasn't expecting. There is also a chapter on Cat being her melodramatic self in a salon that had me giggling.
If I go on any longer this review will be made up of incomplete sentences of me rambling on and on about how amazing, awesome and fabulous this book was. It was the cherry on top to complete the series.
My Favorite Quotes:
"You pay for your pleasure with pain, my mother had always said. A grim and often truthful motto."
"[After someone is down you kick them.] 'They're not supposed to be alright, are they? No, that's why it's called a fight and not a chat.[...]'"
"That's right luv. [...] If you run, I'll chase you. And I'll find you."