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Nocturnal Predators Reviews

A blog dedicated to reviewing and promoting the books I love.

Book Review: Pack By Jeaniene Frost

Under Her Skin - Ilona Andrews, Jeaniene Frost,  Meljean Brook















This is a review of Pack By Jeaniene Frost ONLY.

* This was free in a post on the authors website. For more information on this short story visit these links: Part I & Part II.


What a cute story! It really had depth. I was disappointed to find out it was just a short story with no future novel scheduled for release in the near future.


I loved Marlee. She was head strong when it was called for, but could still see reason when she was out of options. Her life wasn't going to well because of all of the impossible expectations she's set for herself. So when she gets lost on a hike and is attacked, to her, that's the all time worst possible thing that could happen to her period.


Daniel was a cutie pie -teehee-. He was the not so typical alpha male. I said "not so typical" because he actually showed an emotion other then anger and lust. He showed that he actually cared for the well being of Marlee aside from the bedroom (which never happened in this novel).


I would love a follow up novel to this short story. The author did post an explanation as to why she wouldn't consider writing a sequel to this, but she did express interest in writing about wolves in another world in a future novel. I guess that'll have to be enough!


Favorite Quotes:


"We'll kill for it was left unsaid, but I heard that loud and clear in the subtext."


"Now I knew what a piece of meat felt when it was dangled above a crocodile pit."


"The wolf was me stripped of all my pretense, and it knew, unequivocally, that Daniel was mine."